Tero International, Inc. Your Elite Training Team

Time Management Tips

Professional Polish Tip from Ro Crosbie

Christy writes. "I am an Office Manager and I wear many hats at my job. Lately, it seems like I can't get to my regular duties because I spend all day putting out fires from clients and other employees of the company. How do I negotiate my time so I get my work done?"

Christy, thank you for your question. Many people are in jobs that have unpredictable elements that cause chaos to a well-planned day.

Begin by keeping a log of how you spend your time. Live your life in 15 minute increments for one or two days to see where your time is spent. With an accurate time log, you will be in a good position to analyze your day and make improvements.

Tune in tomorrow for additional tips on time management.

› Click here to listen to the professional polish audio clip

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