Tero International, Inc. Your Elite Training Team

Contemplating Other Job Opportunites

Professional Polish Tip from Carlos Alvarez

Shannon has been working for the same company for over 15 years and has decided to pursue something else. "What is the appropriate protocol when searching for other job opportunities?" she asks.

It has been estimated that a professional will make seven or more job changes over the course of his or her career. Seeking another opportunity is a natural part of career and professional development. This is nothing to be ashamed of or apologetic for. The best approach to use will depend on the unique circumstances and the people involved.

You may consider an open discussion with your manager. There may be other opportunities in the organization that you are unaware of.

Management can be helpful in facilitating the transition in a manner that causes the least hardship to the business while also meeting your personal needs.

Tune in tomorrow for additional thoughts.

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