Tero International, Inc. Your Elite Training Team

A Business Lunch in Belgium

Professional Polish Tip from Deborah Rinner

"I am doing business in Belgium. What do I need to know to handle a business lunch?" asks Walter.

Lunch is a popular time for business meals. Keep your hands tabletop by putting your wrists at tables edge. Putting them under the table is considered bad manners in most of Europe.

Praise the food - it will not be hard as waffles, chocolate, and at least 300 varieties of beer are special to Belgium. French fries are called pommes frites so if you ask for them use this term rather than the term french. When bread is offered it is usually eaten without butter.

White wine may be ordered for lunch and mineral water is also a popular alternative. Coffee and tea are ordered after the entree. Wait until your host designates your seat and then sit, dine and enjoy!

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