Tero eZine - June 2019 | Tero International, Inc.

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Welcome to the Tero June eZine

Between deadlines, presentations, evaluations, and asking for raises, work can be a stressful environment. Despite this, it's important that we're able to be calm and collected in the workplace.

Stress often naturally triggers a fight or flight response in our brains. But neither of these responses are especially appropriate when we're reacting to a stressful situation at work. So how do we remain calm, even when we're feeling anything but?

This month, we've gathered resources that will help you better manage your stress and stay calm at work. You'll find articles on staying calm under pressure, practicing mindfulness, calming your nerves before a presentation, and finding ways to relax before and after work. Our Development Challenge will get you thinking about how you can learn to trigger a calm state of mind.

We've also included a feature article from Dr. Harwant Khush about how to deal with verbal criticism. Criticism is one of the most stressful parts of our work lives, and although no one likes receiving it, we can learn to face it in a healthy way.

Staying calm at work can help you communicate better, and can help you be more productive and optimistic. To learn more about how you can develop this vital skill, read on.

Click on the image to watch the Your Invisible Toolbox Live Stream

How To Convey Trust | YIT

Building trust with those you work with is key to a positive environment.

Click on the image to Ro's Insight on Business interview

The Business of Etiquette with Tero International

Insight on Business Podcast with Tero Vice President Deborah Rinner.

Click on the image to watch the Tero Tips Video

What Are the Benefits of a Mentorship Program?

This video is part of the Tero Tips series. Be sure to subscribe for a new video every Tuesday.

Click on the image for this month's Development Challenge

Development Challenge - Imprinting

Click on the image for the Featured Article

Dealing With Verbal Criticism

Tips and Techniques to Deal With Verbal Criticism

Click on the image to read Tero's Book of the Month Blog

BOTMB - How Are You As A Manager?

by Rachel Trainum, Tero

Click on the image to read the Forbes Article

How To Stay Calm At Work

by Ashley Stahl

Click on the image for inspiration

Inspiration - Change

Buy Your Invisible Toolbox Today

Click on the image to read the Huff Post Article

Start Your Day the Right Way

by Janet Ungless

Click on the image to vote Best Of Des Moines

A Chance To Honor Your Favorite Businesses & Leaders

Vote in the 'Best Of' poll and help Tero be named Best Training company. Deadline is June 7.

Click on the image to read the Inc. Article

15 Ways to Calm Your Nerves Before a Big Presentation

by Larry Kim

Click on the image to watch the Tero Tips Video

What If I Don't Respect My Customers?

This video is part of the Tero Tips series. Be sure to subscribe for a new video every Tuesday.

Click on the image to read the Mindful Article

10 Ways to Be More Mindful at Work

by Shamash Alidina

Click on the image for the Ask Tero Section of the Tero website

Ask Tero - Productivity

Is stress negatively impacting my productivity?

Click on the image to read the Business Insider Article

15 Simple Ways to Relax, According to Scientists

by Lydia Ramsey and Jessica Orwig

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