Tero's approach to conflict resolution is one founded on the conviction that conflict is the result of communication or an attempt at collaboration gone wrong. Therefore, Tero does not attempt to approach conflict as a unique interaction. Rather, participants learn to view conflict as the natural outcome of ineffective communication with the ultimate solution being found in the steps to collaboration.
One of the hardest things to manage in a conflict is (unproductive) emotions. One thing we do know about effective conflict resolution is that it seldom happens when one or more people are enraged or irrational.
Unique in the training industry, we use a team approach to most training and executive coaching. This means a diversity of trainers, a variety of trainer certifications, specialties and expertise, and small facilitator to participant ratio.
We take the measurement of training results very seriously and dedicate a significant amount of time and resources to it - all to ensure that the programs offered by Tero deliver the outstanding results our clients have come to expect.
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