Have you taken time to develop an action plan for success? These tips contain easy steps that, if employed, will definitely help you approach life with confidence, and interact with competence.
1. Connect Four - Better Yet, Connect Five.
Go out of your way to introduce others so they can expand their networks. Challenge yourself to make at least five introductions each week. This actually strengthens your networking relationships and positions you as someone who "knows everyone." No one forgets who made it possible to meet someone they might not have otherwise encountered - especially when that connection turns into business. Your network is your business "net worth." Grow it!
2. Follow Suit.
Find a tailor - but not just any tailor. Seek out one who will take the time to work with you, your shape and your wardrobe - both new and existing. The right hem length, sleeve length, the cut of a jacket, and overall fit make the difference between having your clothing wear you instead of the other way around. After all, it takes only seconds for people greeting you to convert their first visual impressions into an evaluation of your credibility and confidence. What does your appearance convey?
3. But Enough About Me.
What is interesting for people to know about you? Although you want to err on the side of asking open ended questions about others, the time will come when others will want to discover things about you. What is unique to you? What are your roles, responsibilities, and reasons for doing what you do? Reflect ahead of time and have some ideas ready so you won't be taken off guard.
4. Hello, Good-bye?
When phoning someone, do not make the assumption that just because you got them live that they have time for you. Always ask, "Is this a good time for you to talk?" This is not only a courtesy, but it will help ensure the other person is really present in the conversation with you.
5. Do Sweat the Small Stuff.
You probably detail your vehicle, but do you take the time to detail yourself? Hair, appropriate makeup (or lack of it), grooming, and clean, pressed clothing announces how attentive you are to detail. Most employers respect and hire with this in mind. And it starts at the ground floor: Cary Grant stated he learned early in life from his father to never buy anything but the best pair of shoes. Keep them clean and polished. A little sweat equity in your footwear, and splurging for the best you can afford, can help you shine for years.
6. Caught on Video
Find an opportunity to videotape yourself speaking. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million. The only way to see and hear yourself as others do is to get on camera. Open posture, balanced stance, and eye contact communicate more trust about your messages and yourself than what you say. Vocal quality (which is relatively easy to adjust) is key to engaging others. Analyze your mannerisms; anything repetitive will become the focus, instead of what you're actually saying.
7. I'm All Ears.
Listen to people without passing judgment or planning what you are going to say next. Suspend your personal biases long enough to truly understand the other person. Communicate you are listening by monitoring your own body language - leaning forward, nodding, appropriate facial expression, eye contact. Being engaged is engaging - and not soon forgotten.
8. Smooth Talker
Use "hello" rather than "hi" and "good-bye" rather than "bye-bye". Take phrases such as "you guys" out of your repertoire. Phrases that are too casual, tenses used incorrectly, and repetitive breaks - uh, um, like - cloud your communication and can make others question your competence.
9. Take it Slow.
The opportunity to share space, time and energy with other human beings in the act of greeting is missed if you are not consciously slowing down and being present. Looking in people's eyes, smiling, and lining up your posture with theirs allows you to communicate that you value them. People remember vividly those who acknowledge them.
10. Drop a Line.
The people you see everyday are important, but so are those you may only have a chance to see once or twice a year. Keep track of those you meet. Reach out. Having a stack of quality stationery on top of your desk allows you to pop out a handwritten note in a matter of minutes. Leaving a voicemail a few months down the line just saying you hope all is well is a wonderful way to keep your network alive, sustaining and growing your relationships.
The Your Invisible Toolbox® Movement tackles the challenges most individuals, teams, and organizations face. An award-winning book paired with a companion YouTube show and card deck, provide a unique set of research-based tools, put together in an easy-to-apply road map to success.
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