Have you noticed that almost everything you invest in comes with a manual that provides detailed instructions on operation and use? From clothes to large and small appliances, to electronics, to toys, and so on, manufacturers provide a useful resource for getting the best from the item you've invested in. Care instructions and warnings are also provided to ensure that you refrain from doing something that will cause serious or irreparable damage.
Wouldn't it be nice if the people you invest your time with came with instruction manuals? As a member of a team, each of us makes an important investment of our time, energy, and creativity - for better or for worse. Getting the best out of teams means getting the best out of each individual. How can you know how to bring out the best in others? One key is in learning what makes each person on the team tick - and what ticks them off.
Writing an operator's manual on yourself is a good investment of your time for two reasons:
1. It will cause you to look at yourself in a new way and become more accountable for your actions, reactions and behaviors.
2. It will provide others who work with you with a useful tool to bring out the best in you - and warn them about your hot buttons.
Begin preparing your personal operator's manual by conducting a self-assessment. When are you at your best? When are you at your worst? What energizes you? What drains you? What are your hot buttons? What are signs that would indicate you are under stress? What are your greatest strengths? What are your development areas?
After you have conducted a self-assessment, share your thoughts with others. Solicit input from people who know you well.
Armed with this valuable information about yourself, write a one-page operator's manual that contains tips about working with you. Consider the following questions as you write your operator's manual:
At my best, I...
Under stress, I...
Tips for communicating with me.
Tips for providing me with feedback.
Tips for working on projects with me.
My hot buttons are...
Invite others to write operator's manuals on themselves and find an opportunity to share the insights to build stronger team dynamics.
The Your Invisible Toolbox® Movement tackles the challenges most individuals, teams, and organizations face. An award-winning book paired with a companion YouTube show and card deck, provide a unique set of research-based tools, put together in an easy-to-apply road map to success.
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